I start my Bible reading today in Ecclesiastes 1 and was blown away that it started like this; everything is meaningless.
Solomon the man who had everything literally and he starts his writing with' it is all meaningless. i do not know if i never noticed this verse before or if it just stuck out for the first time.
We pursue and work but for what? It is like chasing the wind. Wow if this does not sum up America I do not what does. We are all chasing something jobs, career, success, acceptance, fame, and much more. The question is why? Why do we chase these things when will we learn the only thing that satisfies is Christ. The only thing that fixes that hole is our Maker.
Here is Solomon pouring out his soul that everything you can possible pursue in life I mean everything is meaningless and he know because he did and it brought nothing but pain and sorrow.
So what are you pursuing is it God or something else? Take some time this week and see where your priorities are at, where does your time go, and if God barley gets 15 minutes each day you may want to rethink your priorities.