Thursday, June 24, 2010

first fruits

I have been reading through 1 Cornithians and this week as I studied chapter 16. I came across a verse that struck me. Maybe because it is summer or our culture, but it hurt me as I thought about God when I read these verses.
vs 2 says on the first day of every week, each one of you shoudl set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up so when i come no collections will need to be made.
God wants our first fruits at the begining of the week, before we know what might happen that week, before we can talk ourself out of it, and before we can say no.
One thing i have learned is God always provides, always. It may not be what I wanted but he alwasy provides, so why do we struggle so much giving him our first.
What is stopping you from giving God your first fruits?

Monday, June 7, 2010


Where do yuor prioirties lay?
Where do you spend all your time?
Take a moment this week and reflect on your day, week, month look at where you spend most fo your time. Maybe it is time to say no to a good thing before you burn yourself out. Even Christ took time to go away and recharge, why don't we?
Here are 4 areas to keep balance in your life, i only wish i had learned this at a younger age.

Worship - make time to have a spiritual disciplines as a part og your life.
Work- balance work, do yuo best, but know whwen to say no
Play - don't feel guilty to have fun take a moment and have some fun
Rest- make tiem in your life to rest, recharge

These are 4 areas of your life if you can balance it will save you headaches down the road.