Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A great sermon
check out the sermon called miracle on 12/5/10

What do you Love

I was just reading 1 Timothy 6 prepearing for youth this Sunday. The topic is Love of Money.

Verse ten says "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

As I read headlines daily in the US how true this is. Sadly the Christmas season brings this out more than ever. We have forgotten what Christmas is all about. A gift given to use to save us. Christ gave up everything and humbled himself to become human. Remember what Christmas is about shout it out and do not get sucked into the American dream. We can do nothing on our own no matter how much money we have. WE NEED JESUS.This and this alone saves us for all eternity, we can't take the stuff or money with us.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I love snow. It makes every look beautiful. A winter wonderful land that looks perfect. It reminds me of life and the perfect creation that God designed. then sin enters the world and perverts everything. Just as our cars destroy a beautiful snow fall, sin destroys life.
This week reflect on the snow the perfection of God's creation or his intention anyways.
What do you have in your life that mucks that up? What do you need to rid yourself of?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The bible over and over tells us to rejoice in our sufferings. This is something that has become real to me in the year of 2010. I have asked God to keep me humble and he has, be careful what you ask for. Romans 5 says rejoice in suffering because it produces perseverance which produces character which produces hope. This year I have hung to these words many a time. As I reflect on the year I have to admit I wouldn't trade the hardships for the world. I have clung to the word of God, I have clung to God, I have actually felt joy and felt closer to God more than when I was playing it safe.
If you are suffering rejoice and I will rejoice with you.