Wednesday, September 28, 2011

great post

The gospel is not good advice from man; it's good news from God. Only God would provide such a message. Marvel at it.~ Tony Merida
I loved this post today on twitter by Tony I spent some time just reflecting on it and I would encourage you to do the same.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

some things never change

You have let go of the commands of God and are holding onto the traditions of men. ~ Mark 7:8 
Jesus told the pharisees this and they didn't get it and here we are 2,000 year later struggling with the same issues. It is true as the Bible says nothing is new under the sun.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

prayer for the day

"O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins" Psalms 130:7-8 Replace Israel with your name and your churches name, let that be your prayer today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

quote for the day

I have two of them they were both great.
"Faith is not merely a journey for the feet, but it is a journey for the heart." AW Tozer

"Jesus died to make us not just the people He created us to be, but to make us the MEN and WOMEN He created us to be."~David Platt
Also check out these sermons by Platt on 1 Timothy excellent preaching of the word of God

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

denounced by man

The way of the Lord is just!
As followers of Christ we will be denounced constantly. The world wants us to follow man, to uplift man, to worship man. As followers of Christ we have to deny OURSELVES, this goes against our very core. we fight today the same thing that man has fought since the beginning of time, we fight they very thing that lead to Satan downfall, lifting our selves up above or equality to God.
So in obeying God we will always be in the way of ourselves, this keeps us humble and constantly on our knees relying on the Lord. lord let's us obey you, let us be denounced by man to give you the glory!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

a thought

I have been reading Love Wins by Rob Bell, wow I can't believe a pastor and teacher can actually believe this stuff. Every reference he used in reverence to Israel and why there is no hell had to do with captivity and nothing else.
According to him nothing matter we get endless chances, so why bother why not live up life, why serve God. If we truly get chance after chance after chance why serve God why not self now and God later.
If there is no consequence why serve?
Why are we called to be salt and light, why are we called to tell others about Christ? If we get endless opportunities for all of eternity to get it right why bother now? It is beyond me that people can read the Bible and actually believe that there is no Hell and that we can live how we want to now. It is just beyond me the selfishness of the human nature. When one is engrossed in the word of God how can we be all about ourselves?
We have got to get over ourselves and we need to be about God giving him all the glory. When this happens I believe these false truths will begin to fade away.