Thursday, May 20, 2010


I recently starting reading forgotten God by Francis Chan with our guys small group. Wow what a challenging book. it makes Crazy Love seem like baby food.
The more I read this book I am convinced we have so quenched the Spirit in our lives. We have gotten so use to the American way of life comfort and get whatever we want, that why in the world would we need God to provide. Let alone why would the Spirit need to work in our lives, we have all that we want. We have become entrenched into the world ever so slowly, that we did not even realize it was happening.

We justify ever way of life and comfort and neglect the Spirit and will of God.WHY? Because in my opinion we do not want to hear what God has to say, not really. We do not really want to obey him and give him OUR WHOLE LIFE. We are scared to where he might call us, what he might ask us to do, or what we might have to give up.

We have bought into the lie that a good Christians give 10%, goes to church a couple times a week and serves when it suits. In the meantime we pursue the career, house, cars, family, and toys and never ask God what he would have for us.
God wants our whole life and he wants to direct us by the Spirit in what He would have each of us do, but many of us do not want that in return, we want to serve God on our terms. As long as it does not interfere with our lives and hobbies.
I am more convinced today more than ever that the path is narrow and many will miss the point. Do not assume you are the good soil.
What is God asking of you, what is he calling you to. A friend of mine Adam Lehman wrote recently' would we still work for the church if we were not paid? interesting question yet a true one, we should serve God out of love and wanting to disciple not because of a pay check. Our early brothers and sisters did not get paid. they work there jobs and there evening hobbies were being the church not doing church.

So stop asking for God's will or his Spirit to lead you unless you mean it. If you are not willing to let go and do whatever he asks of you. Stop pretending and stop asking please. This is not a game. This is eternity we are talking about and God's plan, so lets stop pretending either we are in or out. God does not want this half sold out Christianity we have been giving him.We will mess up, it will be hard, but he promise to provide for us and help us through it and I promise the reward is better than any toy we can buy on this earth. So lets start living like we actually believe that.

In this together

1 comment:

  1. wow, what a challenge. there are so many people who need to hear this, me included. it's so hard to be in the world but not of it. but it's great that we have other believers to encourage us and walk side-by-side with us. thanks for sharing this, Mike.
