Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As we mature we cling to the gospel.
As we cling to the gospel we become more radical.
As we become more radical people and the church do not like what we have to say.
This has not changed much through out history. Most times people got radical they were killed or banished. 
It is about changing our view from a man's and asking God for a God centered view on the world.
Christianity has become alike making a sub at subway. We pick and choose what we want on our sandwich, so we can live with ourselves. We need to break that trend and accept the gospel all of it even the stuff we do not like. We need to remember these are not our words, but God's words. If you think you have a say in his plan read Job 38-41.
Remember we stand before God and he alone some day. Cling to the gospel, be radical and live it out. Buck what the world and even at times what the church is saying in some cases. Our goal in life should be to hear good job my good and faithful servant.

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