Thursday, November 4, 2010

Radical Living

Why is it today that radical living is look at so strange. Didn't the apostle drop everything to follow Christ? They didn't catch one more fish when he called they followed. They saw how God provided for them the rest of the lives because they said yes when he held out his hand.
Today if people live radical we mock them or say there nuts. I was listening to a podcast this morning and Francis Chan gave an update of what he and his family is up to. They are heading to Asia for 6 months to serve and grow, so they sold there house. They wanted to be free to go where God lead. If God told them to stay in Asia they can. People thought he was nuts, why it make sense to me. He wants to follow God he can get another house there is a ton for sale in America.
We are so ingrained into the American culture, I think we lose the whole trusting God part. Instead to many times our attitude is look at what I did, how I planned, or what I accomplished. Our view is so man centered. WE NEED A GOD CENTERED VIEW OF LIFE. God is the author and creater of everything. He used Pharaoh and Darius even though they were wicked to carry out his plan. God doesn't need us. We need him. Luke tells us if we do not cry out, then the rocks will.
I think it is time for us to live a radical life. Trust in God. Live for him and stopping putting our faith in the American dream. God's kingdom is the only thing that will last forever.

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