Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reflection on Colossians 3

Paul is encouraging them and letting them know he is praying for them. He is overjoyed that they have been freed from bondage of the world and sin. A bulk of this passage is encouraging them to cast away their former selves and all that attached to that. This leads us to believe this was a struggle for this church, mixing things of this world with things of God. Wow does that not describe America. If we do not cast off the world and cloth ourselves with things of God how will we survive? We won’t. We need to let the peace of God dwell in us and we need to dwell on his words. Letting It teach us and admonish each of us and each other. He finishes off by encouraging us to sing praise to him for all he is doing. Are we casting off our old selves? Do we really believe we are a new creation in Christ? Or are we trying  to walk that fence and continue to live in the world and serve God. We can't serve to masters, who are you serving today yourself or God?


  1. Funny thing is, there never was a fence to walk on; it's just more comfortable for people to have that mentality.

    1. You are so correct my friend. Comfort we are experts at it.
