Thursday, December 1, 2011

thoughts from west Africa trip

I have so many thoughts in my head from Africa i do not even know where to start. I guess first is it was amazing there hungry for the gospel. They could not get enough and there was no distractions to study and church. Yes life is hard and days are long, but being unplugged was refreshing and very nice. You could actually sit and listen and not be drawn away to a meeting, email, text, tweet, or whatever you can put in that space. 
Second was the beauty of the country and massiveness of the stars at night. i never knew there where so many stars in all my life. There was nothing better to remind me of who I am, than to look in the Africa sky and see the majesty the Lord created.
Third the peoples willingness to share and give all that they had to anyone. As i have returned to the Christmas (greed season) in America, it has hit me hard how much they shared and truly lived in a biblical community whether they where aware of it or not. My first moment back to american culture was a Grandma taking my seat on the plane, stealing my headphones, and also taking my blanket as well as Karen’s. She returned to her seat, but we where out of luck in the terms of the blanket. We have so much and we think we are entitled to all and even more. In Catel they have nothing and share even that with others. 
These are all my thoughts for today I will share more tomorrow and the weeks to come.

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