As I sat in class I am excited at what will happen tomorrow and the near future. As my classmates all agree we need to stop arguing and go out and do something. It is neat to see the vision shifting it is neat to see younger generation grasping that God's plan was simple. That we should just go out and obey the word instead of argue with everything in it.
I am excited as these are the present and future leaders in the church at what growth and excitement may come out of this realization, the scripture is actually pretty black and white. It is not gray most of the time let's stop acting like it. Let's stop living in fear of man. Let's be confident in Christ, lets be confident that God will work al things OUT FOR HIS GLORY. It is about him and not me. Lets bring him the glory and not ourselves. Lets actually die to ourselves.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Christmas what is about again?
I miss God’s Word being good enough. In Catel, Guinea Bissau, we didn’t have to debate anything, if God said it it must be true. Obviously, there are things to talk about and we all interpret things differently, I understand that, but some issues are just concrete in scriptures, but not here in America.
My eyes have been opened to how broken we truly are here in American. I mean, I knew it, but wow, I can actually see it now. We convince ourselves we are good because we have stuff, yet kids are dying spiritually and emotionally. How do you help a kid see that, when they just go out and get the latest thing and pretend all is good.
This time of year is a perfect example of this, things are a mess and families are falling apart. yet we pretend for a few days all is well, we try to buy our kids love or keep them out of our hair with some new toy. Instead of a toy maybe we should pray as families, study God's word, serve together, eat dinner together, and yes even have a good old fashion game night.
God told us to be servants, to serve others, to go without, lets try that this holiday season. let spend all our extra time on family. For Christmas lets hang out as a family, lest share what we like about each other. instead of once again buckling under the pressure and becoming again like the world. Let us this year buck the culture and became the aliens and strangers we are suppose to be in this present world.
God was born into a wooden shabby manger for us and gave up everything he had to serve us, and then died on a wooden rough shabby cross. He served us his whole life, lets us follow that example and serve him with our whole life, let us give up everything to serve him and go where ever he may send us.
The reason for the season is to become a servant like Christ, when was the last time we modeled that with our Christmas list and spirit. Let this season be the beginning of something new in your and my lives.
I am really enjoying Platt new series through Matthew, I hope you do also.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Short Term Mission
I was asked yesterday by a student what was the point of short term mission trip and did we really make a difference in Africa? I must say these are two very good questions. As I sat there for a second and thought about how to respond I realized quickly the difference we did make in 2 short weeks, but also the importance for continuing trips or a long term missionary to live in Guinna Bissau. I also realized that no amount or words or pictures can ever describe or give justice to a mission trip. Picture show a very small percent of what we did and in our case so much of the impact was spiritual and emotional, you can never take a pic of that. In a culture where women are still bought, have no value, and are beaten and abused. To see a Christian man during a marriage seminar sit by his wife and hold her hand, well honestly it takes your breath away. You can never fully describe it and it certainly means little in a picture.
So the answer is you have to go live it. I mean really live it. Not stay at some fancy hotel or gated compound, but to go live with the people, engage in their lives, participate with them in survival in the harsh West Africa life. Let them know they are an equal and you will work alongside them. This is why we go; to begin relationship so we can share the gospel. It also begins passion for missions, cause awareness, allows other people to come and connect, brings value to their life, and show us a lot of what we think matters in America really doesn't.
We also go to plant seeds, teach, and train others about Christ. In one of the bible studies we had with church leaders and others, we overviewed the whole Bible every book. A young man thanked us afterwards. No one had ever explained each book and why they are important let alone what they mean and why to read them. He was going to read a Bible because of that 2 hour talk. If nothing else it was worth it to go for that one soul to be exposed to the truth of God. I may never know what may happen with that young man or seed, but God will and he used us that night to speak exactly to him.
As I again mulled over the question at hand I realized how important short term trips are and why we need to continue to support them. Can I ever put it into words or show it in a picture. No I do not think I can. What I can say is go and see for yourself, go live with the people, let your guard down and be valuable. I hope all will serve someday weather here or abroad. Also I know we made a difference; you saw it in the hugs, the goodbyes, the pleading to come back, and the asking us to move there. I think the only way to ever understand this is to go and experience a short term trip yourself.
Reached and Reaching: Black And White
Reached and Reaching: Black And White: No, this post is not about racism. It's about the simplicity of the gospel message. I think we like to make gray areas that are non-existent...
Thursday, December 1, 2011
thoughts from west Africa trip
I have so many thoughts in my head from Africa i do not even know where to start. I guess first is it was amazing there hungry for the gospel. They could not get enough and there was no distractions to study and church. Yes life is hard and days are long, but being unplugged was refreshing and very nice. You could actually sit and listen and not be drawn away to a meeting, email, text, tweet, or whatever you can put in that space.
Second was the beauty of the country and massiveness of the stars at night. i never knew there where so many stars in all my life. There was nothing better to remind me of who I am, than to look in the Africa sky and see the majesty the Lord created.
Third the peoples willingness to share and give all that they had to anyone. As i have returned to the Christmas (greed season) in America, it has hit me hard how much they shared and truly lived in a biblical community whether they where aware of it or not. My first moment back to american culture was a Grandma taking my seat on the plane, stealing my headphones, and also taking my blanket as well as Karen’s. She returned to her seat, but we where out of luck in the terms of the blanket. We have so much and we think we are entitled to all and even more. In Catel they have nothing and share even that with others.
These are all my thoughts for today I will share more tomorrow and the weeks to come.
Friday, October 21, 2011
We got it backwards
I recently heard David Platt speak on slavery from 1 Timothy 6 this is a quote he gave during the sermon "Christianity is not primarily aimed at social reform. Christianity is aimed primarily at personal redemption ~ David Platt sermon on 10-2-11".
As someone who works in a Mennonite church this statement needs to be heard by all Mennonites. We have flipped that around, we have elevated social justice and reform over Christ. Our life is about personal redemption, plain and simple. Everything we do is about serving him, worshiping him, and obeying him. None of our life is ever suppose to be about us and what we can do. Instead it is about reforming ourselves to be more Christ like, so than Christ can use us for the good works he prepared in advance for us.
We need to focus more on our personal redemption and reform and then through that see what God may have us do for society. Instead of always focusing on the easy feel good work, let us begin to work on the hard difficult work of inward focus and change. Let God chisel you today.
As someone who works in a Mennonite church this statement needs to be heard by all Mennonites. We have flipped that around, we have elevated social justice and reform over Christ. Our life is about personal redemption, plain and simple. Everything we do is about serving him, worshiping him, and obeying him. None of our life is ever suppose to be about us and what we can do. Instead it is about reforming ourselves to be more Christ like, so than Christ can use us for the good works he prepared in advance for us.
We need to focus more on our personal redemption and reform and then through that see what God may have us do for society. Instead of always focusing on the easy feel good work, let us begin to work on the hard difficult work of inward focus and change. Let God chisel you today.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
30 pieces of silver
How interesting that in the old testament you bought a slave for 30 pieces of silver. Christ was betrayed for 30 pieces of silver and for a brief moment in time became a slave to man and sin. The ransom was paid and we were redeemed. It is neat how much of the law was actually fulfilled by Christ, even something as simple as the price of a slave.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
great post
The gospel is not good advice from man; it's good news from God. Only God would provide such a message. Marvel at it.~ Tony Merida
I loved this post today on twitter by Tony I spent some time just reflecting on it and I would encourage you to do the same.
I loved this post today on twitter by Tony I spent some time just reflecting on it and I would encourage you to do the same.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
some things never change
You have let go of the commands of God and are holding onto the traditions of men. ~ Mark 7:8
Jesus told the pharisees this and they didn't get it and here we are 2,000 year later struggling with the same issues. It is true as the Bible says nothing is new under the sun.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
prayer for the day
"O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption. He himself will redeem Israel from all their sins" Psalms 130:7-8 Replace Israel with your name and your churches name, let that be your prayer today.
Friday, September 16, 2011
quote for the day
I have two of them they were both great.
"Faith is not merely a journey for the feet, but it is a journey for the heart." AW Tozer
"Faith is not merely a journey for the feet, but it is a journey for the heart." AW Tozer
"Jesus died to make us not just the people He created us to be, but to make us the MEN and WOMEN He created us to be."~David Platt
Also check out these sermons by Platt on 1 Timothy excellent preaching of the word of God
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
denounced by man
The way of the Lord is just!
As followers of Christ we will be denounced constantly. The world wants us to follow man, to uplift man, to worship man. As followers of Christ we have to deny OURSELVES, this goes against our very core. we fight today the same thing that man has fought since the beginning of time, we fight they very thing that lead to Satan downfall, lifting our selves up above or equality to God.
So in obeying God we will always be in the way of ourselves, this keeps us humble and constantly on our knees relying on the Lord. lord let's us obey you, let us be denounced by man to give you the glory!
As followers of Christ we will be denounced constantly. The world wants us to follow man, to uplift man, to worship man. As followers of Christ we have to deny OURSELVES, this goes against our very core. we fight today the same thing that man has fought since the beginning of time, we fight they very thing that lead to Satan downfall, lifting our selves up above or equality to God.
So in obeying God we will always be in the way of ourselves, this keeps us humble and constantly on our knees relying on the Lord. lord let's us obey you, let us be denounced by man to give you the glory!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
a thought
I have been reading Love Wins by Rob Bell, wow I can't believe a pastor and teacher can actually believe this stuff. Every reference he used in reverence to Israel and why there is no hell had to do with captivity and nothing else.
According to him nothing matter we get endless chances, so why bother why not live up life, why serve God. If we truly get chance after chance after chance why serve God why not self now and God later.
If there is no consequence why serve?
Why are we called to be salt and light, why are we called to tell others about Christ? If we get endless opportunities for all of eternity to get it right why bother now? It is beyond me that people can read the Bible and actually believe that there is no Hell and that we can live how we want to now. It is just beyond me the selfishness of the human nature. When one is engrossed in the word of God how can we be all about ourselves?
We have got to get over ourselves and we need to be about God giving him all the glory. When this happens I believe these false truths will begin to fade away.
According to him nothing matter we get endless chances, so why bother why not live up life, why serve God. If we truly get chance after chance after chance why serve God why not self now and God later.
If there is no consequence why serve?
Why are we called to be salt and light, why are we called to tell others about Christ? If we get endless opportunities for all of eternity to get it right why bother now? It is beyond me that people can read the Bible and actually believe that there is no Hell and that we can live how we want to now. It is just beyond me the selfishness of the human nature. When one is engrossed in the word of God how can we be all about ourselves?
We have got to get over ourselves and we need to be about God giving him all the glory. When this happens I believe these false truths will begin to fade away.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
God blows my mind
As I have been reading through Isaiah, it blows my mind how we humans never change. Technology and world change around us, but our struggles with obedience to our maker are the same today as they where in 722b.c. Yet through all that rejection God loves us unconditionally. I know I would have given up on us along time ago. I am glad I have a Father who never gives up on me. With that being said why would I not want to give all my devotion to him. he deserves just a sliver of love I have for the love he has poured out on us.
One other thing interesting is Isaiah was told to preach even though no one would listen to him or change, but it would be written down for others in the future. How many times as a pastor do I fill that very same way. You never know what seeds you may be planting for the future, so keep obeying whether it is on deaf ears or not. God will work in the soul our job is to plant the seed not convict the soul. What an amazing partnership we have with the Holy Spirit.
One other thing interesting is Isaiah was told to preach even though no one would listen to him or change, but it would be written down for others in the future. How many times as a pastor do I fill that very same way. You never know what seeds you may be planting for the future, so keep obeying whether it is on deaf ears or not. God will work in the soul our job is to plant the seed not convict the soul. What an amazing partnership we have with the Holy Spirit.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Amos 4:13 says He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness and treads the high places of the earth- the Lord God Almighty is his name.
How can we read verses like this and not have an awe and respect for our God. I think this generation needs some more awe and reverent respect for who God really is. It is time to take him out of the box and place him high and exalted like he deserves.
How can we read verses like this and not have an awe and respect for our God. I think this generation needs some more awe and reverent respect for who God really is. It is time to take him out of the box and place him high and exalted like he deserves.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
What comes to your mind?
"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." AW Tozer
When you think about our God what comes to your mind? This insight is a reflection of our heart.
When you think about our God what comes to your mind? This insight is a reflection of our heart.
Monday, June 6, 2011
God's creation is truly amazing. We went strawberry picking this morning. As we pulled up the crop looked to the eye horrible, but as we got down there and began to pick oh the treasure we found. With in a hour we had filled 22 quart containers, I was shocked and humbled and this came to mind. I have found in life that sometimes the most interesting people, the ones people reject by first glance can be such hidden treasures. They are the ones who become true friends. Thank you Lord for hidden treasures.
Friday, May 20, 2011
9 min ttalk on Hell
Please check out thsi video by Chan about Hell. It is great.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Lets work together
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity! ~~Psalm 133:1
It saddens me how much of the church and Christian today do not work together. It is good and pleasant to work in unity. It is time to bring down our denominational barriers and work together as the church. We are losing a generation and all trying to fix it on our own. Let begin to act like the Body of Christ, practice what we preach, and live radically for the Lord. People just might find that something worth fighting for.
It saddens me how much of the church and Christian today do not work together. It is good and pleasant to work in unity. It is time to bring down our denominational barriers and work together as the church. We are losing a generation and all trying to fix it on our own. Let begin to act like the Body of Christ, practice what we preach, and live radically for the Lord. People just might find that something worth fighting for.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
We Whine To Much
"We have to make up our minds to bear the cross without ceasing and as far as possible without whimpering." AW Tozer
I read this quote this morning and was reminded how much I whine. If things are not going my way or I don't get what I want. I whine like a little two year old. I look at the Life of Joseph , what an example he was. Life was pretty bad for a long time and yet he was faithful to God. I strive and I hope you do as well to be like that, in times of troubles we need to lean on God. Instead to often I complain to him. Scriptures says the path is narrow and hard at times, how easily I forget that. The next time you or I are whining to God, take a moment and think about what you are saying. Remember Joseph and remind yourself it could always be much worse.
I read this quote this morning and was reminded how much I whine. If things are not going my way or I don't get what I want. I whine like a little two year old. I look at the Life of Joseph , what an example he was. Life was pretty bad for a long time and yet he was faithful to God. I strive and I hope you do as well to be like that, in times of troubles we need to lean on God. Instead to often I complain to him. Scriptures says the path is narrow and hard at times, how easily I forget that. The next time you or I are whining to God, take a moment and think about what you are saying. Remember Joseph and remind yourself it could always be much worse.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
So True
"The Bible is not a once-spoken book-it is a book that is NOW speaking." AW Tozer
Once again i heard today that the Bible is not God's word, but man's adaption to get what he wants. The person I was talking to said there is a God, but does not care what we do. We are failing this culture to teach them who God is and what his Word means to our Life. Pass along today the importance of God and his word.
Once again i heard today that the Bible is not God's word, but man's adaption to get what he wants. The person I was talking to said there is a God, but does not care what we do. We are failing this culture to teach them who God is and what his Word means to our Life. Pass along today the importance of God and his word.
Monday, February 28, 2011
thought for the day
Spurgeon: When men talk of a little hell, it is b/c they think they have only a little sin, & believe in a little Savior.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
? what can you do?
30HF 30 Hour Famine
More than 1 billion people go hungry every day. What are you going to do about it?
Friday, February 4, 2011
What are we scared of?
As I look around I just don't get America. We have the best of everything we have some many blessings, yet we are scared to death to preach the gospel and live for Jesus. We have brothers and sisters in Christ all over the world daily risking there lives for the advance of the kingdom and so many of us sit back and do nothing. This seems wrong to me and very unbiblical. The Bible tells us to go to the ends of the world to tell people about Jesus and we are scared to tell our neighbors because they may not like us.
Do we realize the God we serve?
Do we realize he has already won?
Do we understand we have a eternal reward that far out ways anything this life has to offer?
Do we remember what Christ went through for us.
These people that we refuse to talk to are going to hell and we don't seem to care. I know oh my he just said Hell, but folks it is a reality that again we are afraid to talk about. The best thing about the Cross was God's full wrath and full love colliding. Jesus took the full wrath that we deserved and in return asked us to follow him, live for him and him alone, and tell other about what he did for them.
So I ask the question again what are you afraid of?
Do we realize the God we serve?
Do we realize he has already won?
Do we understand we have a eternal reward that far out ways anything this life has to offer?
Do we remember what Christ went through for us.
These people that we refuse to talk to are going to hell and we don't seem to care. I know oh my he just said Hell, but folks it is a reality that again we are afraid to talk about. The best thing about the Cross was God's full wrath and full love colliding. Jesus took the full wrath that we deserved and in return asked us to follow him, live for him and him alone, and tell other about what he did for them.
So I ask the question again what are you afraid of?
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
so true
"We can taken whatever path in worship we choose, but not all paths will end at the feet of Jesus." AW Tozer
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Friday, January 21, 2011
I have been amazed by our C4 students. Our goal this year is to read through the whole Bible and preach through the whole Old Testament. We set the bar high in our goal and what an amazing group we have. Not only did we go over on Wednesday night, but we the leaders had to stop them. There is a hungry in these students that I pray the church gets. I want to share 3 things.
- Set the bar high and students will reach it.
- The more you are in the Word the hungrier you get for it.
- When God's blessing start look out.
- Set the bar high and students will reach it.
- The more you are in the Word the hungrier you get for it.
- When God's blessing start look out.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I heard Chan say recently"The Bible is black and white. Jesus gave us the how it is the "why" we struggle with." Love that thought.
Friday, January 7, 2011
something to chew on
I can't earn my salvation that I know. It is only by faith in Christ by his death and blood on the cross.
Read Ephesian 2:10 and think about this statement.
I can't earn my way to God, but I better not assume I am saved if there is no works or fruit in my life. SOMETHING SHOULD BE CHANGING IN YOUR CORE IF YOU ARE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST
Read Ephesian 2:10 and think about this statement.
I can't earn my way to God, but I better not assume I am saved if there is no works or fruit in my life. SOMETHING SHOULD BE CHANGING IN YOUR CORE IF YOU ARE A FOLLOWER OF CHRIST
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
new year
I am excited for what 2011 will bring. I have just spent the last 4 days in Atlanta at the Passion 2011 conference. If anyone is 18-25 I would strongly suggest this conference, it is more than just some speakers.
having spent time listening to David Platt, Franchis Chan. John Piper, Louie Giglio, and Andy Stanley. My brain is mush and humbled.
Worshiping with Tomlin, Hall, Crowder, Redman, and more is amazing.
The most impressive thing though is the community groups, spending time with other leaders from other churches and hearing I am not alone in my frustrations with the church.
Lastly was the fact that 20,000 college students raised 1.1 million dollars to literally save lives around the world.
It was a conference for my for a lot of affirmations and confirmations I have had in my head these last few months. I am excited for 2011, but taking it one day at a time.
having spent time listening to David Platt, Franchis Chan. John Piper, Louie Giglio, and Andy Stanley. My brain is mush and humbled.
Worshiping with Tomlin, Hall, Crowder, Redman, and more is amazing.
The most impressive thing though is the community groups, spending time with other leaders from other churches and hearing I am not alone in my frustrations with the church.
Lastly was the fact that 20,000 college students raised 1.1 million dollars to literally save lives around the world.
It was a conference for my for a lot of affirmations and confirmations I have had in my head these last few months. I am excited for 2011, but taking it one day at a time.
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