Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A great sermon
check out the sermon called miracle on 12/5/10

What do you Love

I was just reading 1 Timothy 6 prepearing for youth this Sunday. The topic is Love of Money.

Verse ten says "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs."

As I read headlines daily in the US how true this is. Sadly the Christmas season brings this out more than ever. We have forgotten what Christmas is all about. A gift given to use to save us. Christ gave up everything and humbled himself to become human. Remember what Christmas is about shout it out and do not get sucked into the American dream. We can do nothing on our own no matter how much money we have. WE NEED JESUS.This and this alone saves us for all eternity, we can't take the stuff or money with us.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I love snow. It makes every look beautiful. A winter wonderful land that looks perfect. It reminds me of life and the perfect creation that God designed. then sin enters the world and perverts everything. Just as our cars destroy a beautiful snow fall, sin destroys life.
This week reflect on the snow the perfection of God's creation or his intention anyways.
What do you have in your life that mucks that up? What do you need to rid yourself of?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


The bible over and over tells us to rejoice in our sufferings. This is something that has become real to me in the year of 2010. I have asked God to keep me humble and he has, be careful what you ask for. Romans 5 says rejoice in suffering because it produces perseverance which produces character which produces hope. This year I have hung to these words many a time. As I reflect on the year I have to admit I wouldn't trade the hardships for the world. I have clung to the word of God, I have clung to God, I have actually felt joy and felt closer to God more than when I was playing it safe.
If you are suffering rejoice and I will rejoice with you.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


As Christian we have so much to be thankful for every day, but seeing as it is the season of thanks giving take time this week to thank God. For all he has given you and the blessings we truly have as Christians in America. Don't let the heart of thankfulness got lost in the business of the holiday seasons.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As we mature we cling to the gospel.
As we cling to the gospel we become more radical.
As we become more radical people and the church do not like what we have to say.
This has not changed much through out history. Most times people got radical they were killed or banished. 
It is about changing our view from a man's and asking God for a God centered view on the world.
Christianity has become alike making a sub at subway. We pick and choose what we want on our sandwich, so we can live with ourselves. We need to break that trend and accept the gospel all of it even the stuff we do not like. We need to remember these are not our words, but God's words. If you think you have a say in his plan read Job 38-41.
Remember we stand before God and he alone some day. Cling to the gospel, be radical and live it out. Buck what the world and even at times what the church is saying in some cases. Our goal in life should be to hear good job my good and faithful servant.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Radical Living

Why is it today that radical living is look at so strange. Didn't the apostle drop everything to follow Christ? They didn't catch one more fish when he called they followed. They saw how God provided for them the rest of the lives because they said yes when he held out his hand.
Today if people live radical we mock them or say there nuts. I was listening to a podcast this morning and Francis Chan gave an update of what he and his family is up to. They are heading to Asia for 6 months to serve and grow, so they sold there house. They wanted to be free to go where God lead. If God told them to stay in Asia they can. People thought he was nuts, why it make sense to me. He wants to follow God he can get another house there is a ton for sale in America.
We are so ingrained into the American culture, I think we lose the whole trusting God part. Instead to many times our attitude is look at what I did, how I planned, or what I accomplished. Our view is so man centered. WE NEED A GOD CENTERED VIEW OF LIFE. God is the author and creater of everything. He used Pharaoh and Darius even though they were wicked to carry out his plan. God doesn't need us. We need him. Luke tells us if we do not cry out, then the rocks will.
I think it is time for us to live a radical life. Trust in God. Live for him and stopping putting our faith in the American dream. God's kingdom is the only thing that will last forever.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


As I am sitting here listening to the youth worship team, it is amazing. There is nothing I love more than watching teens lead there peers in worship. A better example cannot be set than that. To watch the love of these teens for the Lord make everything we do as youth leaders worth it. The good, bad, and ugly is all worth when just one more students gets it.
As they lovingly embrace and pursue God I get excited. Next step to send them out to love on the world and share their story.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

kingdom building

What kind of kingdom are you building? One for your self here on earth or one for the Lord? Take a moment look at your life. Where does all your time and energy go? Ask yourself what kingdom are you working on?
This is something i have to do routinely in my life or i get my blueprints screwed up and focus on myself and not me Maker.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

we have a incomprehensible God

Karen and I recently went away together for the first time in ten years of marriage. What a wonderful time we had in Alabama at refuge. We vowed to go away at least once a year together.
Refuge was exactly what I needed' a refuge to be alone with God and be reminded of how incomprehensible He really is. We spent time in Isaiah 6 just exploring His throne room and Isaiah's response to what he saw. We have a HOLY,AMAZING,HUGE,AWESOME GOD. I forget that all the time trying to put him in my little human box.
Last night I spent time in Job 38-42. God answers Job after all the ranting, raving, and questioning. God speaks. I love verse 3 of ch 38 where God tells him to brace himself like a man. Then for the next 3 chapters God ask Job questions. Much like me reading it Job is instantly humbled and realizes how small he really is. God is HOLY, we are not. His plan is PERFECT, ours is not. We need God, HE DOES NOT NEED US.
I encourage you to spend some time in Job and being reminded of how Holy God really is. To move through life we need to have a proper prospective of God. I was reminded of that in Alabama and reminded last night. Thank you Lord for being everything I need, want, desire, and the things I do not even know. May I find true rest in your arms.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


You know the hardest thing about serving the Lord is the people. I am so sick of the games, lies, deciet, competition, jealousy, and that is just a few things to name. The problem with the church is we the people are in it. The only way to be the church is deny our self and become more like Christ.
I know this is something I try to do daily and fail daily. I don't know how Christ did it; but with the last month I have had I understand why people do not want anything to do with the church. because there has been a few days I have honestly agreed with them. I want everything to do with God, but at times not with the people who call themselves Christians.
Sorry this post is not uplifting or encouraging I am just frustrated.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


It amazes me that people can say there is no God. Look at our body for instance. here are some facts just about our blood.
Two million red blood cells die every second.
There are approximately 100,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body.
Seven percent of a humans body weight is made up of blood.
In the early nineteenth century some advertisements claimed that riding the carousel was good for the circulation of blood.
Each day 400 gallons of recycled blood are pumped through the kidneys.
By donating just one pint of blood, four lives can be saved.
Blood is such a good stain that Native Americans used it for paint.
The kidneys filter over 400 gallons of blood each day.
The average life span of a single red blood cell is 120 days.
Blood accounts for about 8% of a human's body weight.
A woman has approximately 4.5 liters of blood in her body, while men have 5.6 liters.
Your blood takes a very long trip through your body. If you could stretch out all of a human's blood vessels, they would be about 60,000 miles long. That's enough to go around the world twice.
Half your body’s red blood cells are replaced every seven days.
If all the blood vessels in your body were laid end to end, they would reach about 60,000 miles.
This is just a sampling of the facts about our blood, not to mention all the amazing things about the rest of bodies, not to mention the world.
How can this just happen? We have an amazing God. A very creative God. An endless loving God. Have you shared his love with some one you have encountered today? By word or actions?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a thought for the day

The unbreakable one become breakable to save us from ourselves. Have you thanked your heavenly Father for his sacrifice today? Thank you Lord for becoming breakable to save me from my brokenness.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Jesus had a secert ambition, yeah he did. It was to come and obey the will of the Father, set the ultimate example, and eventaully die for you and me. That was not the plan of the jews and even a disciple. It didn't make sense and it was definitly not what the world was doing. Saving lives by dying. In a world where power was determined by domination. Not much has changed 2000 years later, we still live in a world that is dominated be power and money. God is still asking us to die to self, deny the flesh, or pick up our cross and follow him.
Jesus had a secret ambition and I am glad he obeyed it. What is your secret ambition? Do you have one you have admitted to personally? Do you need to reevaluate your secret ambition?

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Don't Waste Your Life

Last night in small group we watched a Nooma, it was titled Noise. We had a great conversation about the noise in our life. Our priorities and why we put God last.
We talked about doing a media fast as a group, because most of us struggle with media distractions.
Today I was listen to a podcast by Todd Nighswagner, the pastor at Cornerstone Church. His whole sermon was about not wasting our life on our vain pursuits to please our flesh. He referenced John Piper book Don't Waste Your Life.
I have been putting off reading that book for months now. I think God is trying to tell me something. I know I waste so much time that could go to further the kingdom or my own spirtual maturity. I have decided to make better use of my time.
How about you do you waste your time? Is it time to reflect and make some different choices? Just some food for thought.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

first fruits

I have been reading through 1 Cornithians and this week as I studied chapter 16. I came across a verse that struck me. Maybe because it is summer or our culture, but it hurt me as I thought about God when I read these verses.
vs 2 says on the first day of every week, each one of you shoudl set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up so when i come no collections will need to be made.
God wants our first fruits at the begining of the week, before we know what might happen that week, before we can talk ourself out of it, and before we can say no.
One thing i have learned is God always provides, always. It may not be what I wanted but he alwasy provides, so why do we struggle so much giving him our first.
What is stopping you from giving God your first fruits?

Monday, June 7, 2010


Where do yuor prioirties lay?
Where do you spend all your time?
Take a moment this week and reflect on your day, week, month look at where you spend most fo your time. Maybe it is time to say no to a good thing before you burn yourself out. Even Christ took time to go away and recharge, why don't we?
Here are 4 areas to keep balance in your life, i only wish i had learned this at a younger age.

Worship - make time to have a spiritual disciplines as a part og your life.
Work- balance work, do yuo best, but know whwen to say no
Play - don't feel guilty to have fun take a moment and have some fun
Rest- make tiem in your life to rest, recharge

These are 4 areas of your life if you can balance it will save you headaches down the road.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I recently starting reading forgotten God by Francis Chan with our guys small group. Wow what a challenging book. it makes Crazy Love seem like baby food.
The more I read this book I am convinced we have so quenched the Spirit in our lives. We have gotten so use to the American way of life comfort and get whatever we want, that why in the world would we need God to provide. Let alone why would the Spirit need to work in our lives, we have all that we want. We have become entrenched into the world ever so slowly, that we did not even realize it was happening.

We justify ever way of life and comfort and neglect the Spirit and will of God.WHY? Because in my opinion we do not want to hear what God has to say, not really. We do not really want to obey him and give him OUR WHOLE LIFE. We are scared to where he might call us, what he might ask us to do, or what we might have to give up.

We have bought into the lie that a good Christians give 10%, goes to church a couple times a week and serves when it suits. In the meantime we pursue the career, house, cars, family, and toys and never ask God what he would have for us.
God wants our whole life and he wants to direct us by the Spirit in what He would have each of us do, but many of us do not want that in return, we want to serve God on our terms. As long as it does not interfere with our lives and hobbies.
I am more convinced today more than ever that the path is narrow and many will miss the point. Do not assume you are the good soil.
What is God asking of you, what is he calling you to. A friend of mine Adam Lehman wrote recently' would we still work for the church if we were not paid? interesting question yet a true one, we should serve God out of love and wanting to disciple not because of a pay check. Our early brothers and sisters did not get paid. they work there jobs and there evening hobbies were being the church not doing church.

So stop asking for God's will or his Spirit to lead you unless you mean it. If you are not willing to let go and do whatever he asks of you. Stop pretending and stop asking please. This is not a game. This is eternity we are talking about and God's plan, so lets stop pretending either we are in or out. God does not want this half sold out Christianity we have been giving him.We will mess up, it will be hard, but he promise to provide for us and help us through it and I promise the reward is better than any toy we can buy on this earth. So lets start living like we actually believe that.

In this together

Monday, May 3, 2010

our purpose

So I have figured out the purpose of life and it is very simple. we send so much time and money in the United states listening to the best leaders and speakers, so we can be the best. Well the purpose of our life is a  simple thing we can find in scriptures.

It is found in Matthew 25:23 Jesus is telling the parable of the talents and when the master returns home he tells the servant " well done good and faithful servant". In case you did not know we are the servants and God's is the master who has returned after being away. We have been intrusted with talents and our job is to simply use them to further the kingdom. Our goal in life is to hear God say WELL DONE, that is it that is our goal.
It is so simple yet we let the distractions of the world get us off course all the time.

Our main purpose and goal is to simply here well done good and faithful servant. I told you it was simple, no the simple part is stating our goal. the hard part is living out our life so to obtain that goal. To obtain this goal we have to become people who are obsessed with God. we need to daily eat from his table, what do i mean by table? His spirit, the word, prayer, guidance from those wiser, decernment, and many other ways to deny our earthly fleash and tune into our spirtual needs.

God wants all or nothing he tells in revelations3:15 if we are lukewarm he will spit us out. you know that is the only time in scripture the word spit is used. This is an all or nothing job we have and the goal is to hear well done. I don't know about you , but there is nothing I dream of more than to hear out Maker say well done. Then and only then will my life actually be complete.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

the Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it , he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought the field..... Matthew 13:44

I love this parable, this man found the ultimate gift. We live in a world that tells us what we need all the time and what will make us happy. All of that is a fleshly happiness, a happiness that will waste away, rust, and fade.
This man found the kingdom of heaven and sold everything he had, so that he could keep it. He was sold out so to speak, but honestly he gave up everything of the world so he could hang on to the one thing that mattered most.

We have the truth and know the way to the kingdom of heaven, but very few of us have this attitude. Not many Americans give up everything, so we can hold on to the one thing that matters. In fact quite the opposite is true; we hold on to the world and justify why it is okay. We have many false idols we ALL worship, if we are honest with ourselves.
Amazingly as I am typing the song just came on by Toby Mac Lose My Soul. The chorus echoes this " I don't want to gain the whole world and lose my soul"

I know I don't! Do you?

Our lives should look different we should be looking for what we can give up, so we can hang on to the kingdom of heaven. Ephesians 2:10 says we are God's workmanship, it is kinds of like this. We are this little Lego project, we keep trying to build our lives and add the pieces we want. God has the directions and knows what pieces we need, we just need to let him build us into the masterpiece he intended.

We all have stuff we need to get rid of. What do you need to get rid of today, so you can hang on to the Kingdom of Heaven?

In this together

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wow it has been a long time since I last wrote anything. my life has been a roller coaster ride this year, but I have learned a lot.
February was dominated by our mission trip to Honduras and Micah ending up in the hospital during the trip.
James chapter 1 was a great source of strength through that whole trial.
I can not believe it is already April man time flies.
I am going to try to blog once a week starting from now on.